How to Achieve Big Changes with Tiny Habits

Are you struggling to make changes in your life? Do you have big goals but find it hard to take the first step? If so, you may benefit from adopting the "tiny habits" approach.
Tiny habits is a concept developed by behavior scientist BJ Fogg. It involves making small, easy changes to your routine that can have a big impact over time. By starting with tiny habits, you can build momentum, increase your confidence, and make progress towards your goals without feeling overwhelmed.

Here's how it works:

Identify your desired behavior
The first step in creating a tiny habit is to identify the behavior you want to change. This could be anything from flossing your teeth to exercising daily to drinking more water. Be specific about what you want to achieve.

Break it down into tiny steps
Once you have identified the behavior you want to change, break it down into tiny steps. For example, if you want to start exercising, your tiny habit could be to do one push-up every day. If you want to floss your teeth, your tiny habit could be to floss just one tooth after brushing.

The key is to make the habit so small that it requires little effort or motivation to do. This helps to remove the mental barriers that often prevent us from starting a new habit.

Find a trigger
To make the tiny habit stick, you need to attach it to an existing behavior or trigger. For example, if you want to floss your teeth, you could attach the habit to brushing your teeth. After brushing, floss just one tooth.

Celebrate your success
Every time you complete your tiny habit, celebrate your success. This could be as simple as saying "good job" to yourself or doing a small victory dance. Celebrating your success helps to reinforce the habit and increase your motivation to continue.

Gradually increase the habit
Once your tiny habit has become automatic, you can gradually increase it over time. For example, if your tiny habit was to do one push-up every day, you could increase it to two push-ups, then three, and so on.

By starting small and gradually increasing the habit, you can build momentum and make lasting changes to your behavior.

Examples of Tiny Habits

Here are some examples of tiny habits that you could adopt:

  • Drink a glass of water after waking up
  • Do one minute of stretching before getting out of bed
  • Floss one tooth after brushing
  • Do one push-up after brushing your teeth
  • Write down one thing you're grateful for each day
  • Spend one minute each day practicing a new language
  • Take one deep breath before starting a task
  • Read one page of a book before going to bed
The possibilities are endless. The key is to choose a tiny habit that is easy to do and that you can attach to an existing behavior.

Success Stories with Tiny Habits

Here are some success stories of people who have used the tiny habits approach to make big changes in their lives:

Sarah wanted to start exercising regularly but found it hard to get motivated. She started with the tiny habit of doing one push-up every day. After a week, she increased it to two push-ups. Within a few months, she was exercising for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

John wanted to improve his productivity at work. He started with the tiny habit of taking one deep breath before starting a task. Within a few weeks, he found that he was more focused and productive throughout the day.

Mary wanted to improve her mental health. She started with the tiny habit of writing down one thing she was grateful for each day. Within a few weeks, she noticed a shift in her mindset and felt more positive and optimistic.

Bob wanted to improve his diet but found it hard to make big changes. He started with the tiny habit of eating one piece of fruit every day. After a few weeks, he added a vegetable to his daily routine. Within a few months, he had completely changed his diet and felt much healthier.

These success stories show that by starting small and building momentum, you can make big changes in your life. The key is to be patient and consistent, and to celebrate your successes along the way.

Benefits of Tiny Habits

There are many benefits to adopting the tiny habits approach:

Easy to start: Tiny habits are easy to start because they require little motivation or effort. This makes it easier to overcome the mental barriers that often prevent us from starting a new habit.

Builds momentum: By starting with tiny habits, you can build momentum and create a sense of accomplishment. This can increase your confidence and motivation to continue.

Creates lasting change: Tiny habits can lead to lasting change because they are easy to maintain over time. By gradually increasing the habit, you can create a new behavior that becomes automatic.

Increases self-awareness: Adopting a tiny habits approach requires self-awareness and mindfulness. By paying attention to your behavior and triggers, you can create a new habit that is tailored to your needs.

Reduces stress: Tiny habits can help to reduce stress because they are small and manageable. This can help to create a sense of calm and control in your life.


Making changes in your life can be challenging, but adopting a tiny habits approach can make it easier. By starting small and building momentum, you can create lasting change in your behavior. The key is to identify your desired behavior, break it down into tiny steps, attach it to an existing behavior or trigger, celebrate your successes, and gradually increase the habit. With patience and consistency, you can achieve big changes with tiny habits.
The Artist

I enjoy explaining books by writing reviews, summaries, making recommendations, and leading book clubs. It helps me understand and appreciate books better and allows me to share my love for reading with others.

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